5 Possible Risk Factors For Preterm Labour

5 Possible Risk Factors For Preterm Labour


Preterm labour is a pregnancy complication that can lead to preterm birth due to constant contractions and opening of the cervix before the 37th week of pregnancy. In most cases, babies born through premature labour experience various health complications and need specialized care in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). 

Some of the common symptoms of preterm labour that you may notice during pregnancy include abdominal cramps, backache, watery vaginal discharge, light bleeding, and pelvic pressure. You must contact an experienced gynecologist in Siliguri immediately if the mentioned symptoms worsen. 

Given below are some of the probable risk factors that can be associated with preterm labour. 

1. Multiple Pregnancies

One of the major risk factors for preterm labour is multiple pregnancies, where most of the twins and triplets are born preterm. There can be various health conditions and complications that can cause this issue. 

Some of such conditions include preeclampsia, premature rupture of the membranes, placenta previa, placental abruption, growth restriction, and monochorionic pregnancy. In most cases, foetuses get limited blood flow and oxygen which also becomes a leading reason behind preterm labour. 

2. Infections

Another possible risk factor for preterm labour can be infections during pregnancy. The infections that impact the lower genital tract or amniotic fluid of a woman make her prone to experience preterm contractions. 

Chorioamnionitis is one of the most common pregnancy infections that not only affects the amniotic fluid but also damages the placenta causing preterm labour and significant neonatal complications such as brain damage and pneumonia. Some of the symptoms of this disorder that you must notice include uterine pain, fever, and fast heartbeat. 

3. Pregnancy Complications

If the mother suffers from pre-existing chronic health conditions or pregnancy complications then also she can experience preterm labour. The most common complications that can cause it are depression, high blood pressure, diabetes, shortened cervix, and autoimmune diseases. 

In such cases, it is essential to undergo effective prenatal care to control the underlying conditions. You can visit a well-known gynecologist hospital in Siliguri to undergo the required screening tests to prevent preterm labour caused due to pregnancy complications. 

4. Assisted Reproductive Technology

Assisted reproductive technology or fertility treatments such as ICSI and IVF can also become a major risk factor for preterm labour. The hormonal imbalance caused during the IVF procedure for increasing the number of eggs can be the main cause behind it. 

IVF also increases the risk of transferring multiple embryos, which will lead to multiple pregnancies that can eventually cause preterm labour. The other probable associations between IVF and preterm labour are advanced maternal age and increased use of medications. 

5. Vaginal Bleeding  

Vaginal bleeding can be a significant risk factor of preterm labour since it leads to premature rupture of fetal membranes. Abnormal bleeding and increased production of thrombin can also initiate uterine contractions, which cause water breakage and premature birth that may cause low birth weight of the baby. 

During pregnancy, you must consider visiting the best maternity hospital in Siliguri so that the medical professionals can manage all the pregnancy-related complications effectively. The measures that you can take to reduce the risks of preterm labour include stopping smoking, indulging in mild exercise, and scheduling a regular appointment with the gynecologist. 

(Source: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/premature-birth/symptoms-causes/syc-20376730

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