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Know The Importance Of Fetal Medicine During A High-Risk Pregnancy

Pregnancy is often the most exciting journey in a couple’s life which is filled with joy and excitement. However, for some women, this journey can be quite stressful especially when they start experiencing distressing symptoms caused due to the underlying pregnancy symptoms. These complications also increase the potential risk of deteriorating the health condition of the baby along with the mother. In such a situation, a reputed fetal medicine specialist in Siliguri can be your saviour as they are experienced in handling risky pregnancies.

Fetal medicine specialists are specialized medical professionals who have undergone extra training in handling complex pregnancies. They can be the best person to contact when you experience any abnormalities during pregnancy. Starting from fetal development issues and maternal conditions to pregnancy and delivery complications, everything can be managed by these doctors with utmost care and expertise. Remember that early intervention of the concerning complications are pivotal to save your baby from any severe health issues.

Factors Contributing To A High-Risk Pregnancy

Before knowing the role of fetal medicine in handling high-risk pregnancies, you must understand what causes it. In most cases, the main contributing reason for a high-risk pregnancy is advanced maternal age i.e., over 35 years. This mainly happens due to the poor and defective egg quality increasing the chances of genetic anomalies. Additionally, any underlying health issues of the mother such as autoimmune disorders, diabetes, anemia, and high blood pressure can also cause it.

You must know the risk factors in the pregnancy also significantly increases when the mother carries multiple pregnancies. Any previous pregnancy issues such as birth defects and preterm delivery can also make a woman prone to experience the signs of high-risk pregnancy.

Role Of Fetal Medicine Specialist In Handling The High-Risk Pregnancy

Close monitoring of the fetus

One of the main roles of a fetal medicine specialist during a high-risk pregnancy is to properly evaluate and monitor the fetus. Herein, the doctor might recommend frequent ultrasound and Doppler’s study to check whether the fetus is growing and developing normally or not. This measure helps in detecting any abnormalities at an early stag

Preconception planning

If you or your partner have a family history of genetic issues or you’re suffering from health issues, then it is vital to consult one of the best high-risk pregnancy doctors in Siliguri and schedule preconception planning. Fetal medicine doctors not only support you during pregnancy but also guide you to attain a healthy pregnancy without any complications.

Maternal conditions management

When any maternal condition is detected during the counseling, the fetal medicine specialist will effectively work with the other doctors to manage the underlying conditions. If your health issues are properly managed before pregnancy then its impact over the pregnancy can be reduced significantly.

Prenatal testing procedures

During a high-risk pregnancy, the baby may suffer from various fetal abnormalities and structural issues. Herein, the specialized doctors often schedule routine prenatal testing which includes blood tests and ultrasound to determine the health condition of the baby.

Delivery planning

Pregnancy complications can make you extremely likely to develop serious delivery problems that can harm the baby’s well-being. This is why fetal medicine specialists understand your unique health needs and curate a personalized delivery plan with specialized care, early delivery, and suitable birthing procedures.

Genetic testing

Genetic disorders in the fetus are one of the main complications of a high-risk pregnancy. The advanced treatment approach and effective genetic testing procedures can enable the doctor to detect genetic abnormalities in the fetus during pregnancy. In this step, the doctor might advise invasive or non-invasive prenatal testing based on your condition.

Fetal interventions

If the fetal medicine specialist detects any fetal conditions during pregnancy then he can also recommend some effective fetal interventions for a successful delivery. These doctors are experienced in performing various intra-utero procedures such as fetal surgery or fetal blood sampling so that early intervention can be provided to the baby.

It is true that a high-risk pregnancy can be filled with uncertainties and confusion. However, with the help of a fetal medicine specialist in Siliguri, you can overcome the challenges of the pregnancy and ensure a healthy journey towards parenthood. Effective monitoring and timely intervention are the key factors for a successful pregnancy and delivery.


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